Avengers: Endgame: Who Is the Richest Superhero? | Money

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Many companies featured on Money advertise with us. Opinions are our own, but compensation and in-depth research determine where and how companies may appear. Learn more about how we make money. Ahead of the release of Avengers: Endgame , every single detail in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been dissected. Fans have scrutinized Nick Fury's toast preferences , examined Ant-Man's expansion abilities and teared up reading about Stan Lee's final cameo.

But one thing that hasn't gotten much attention in the run-up to the three-hour-long movie is the earnings of the Avengers themselves. Though Tony Stark appears to foot the bill for the majority of Avengers-related stuff, everyone manages their own personal finances.

Because Avengers: Endgame could make for the highest-grossing box office weekend ever, now is the perfect opportunity to rank the characters by net worth.

Three quick caveats: One, for the purposes of this article, Money is assuming that everyone is alive, Thanos be damned. Two, we drew the line at 13 Avengers characters, even though there are technically more, for brevity's sake. Three, we're basing the rankings on previously-published estimates available online, so we can't take credit for the calculations. As Money reported last year, T'Challa's net worth is impressively high.

To get an idea of just how rich he is, look at T'Challa's decision to buy land in Oakland, California, at the end of Black Panther. It's not a cheap choice.

Thor, the son of King Odin, was born into royalty on his planet of Asgard. As such, he's likely never been short on cash, and neither have his peers: Asgard itself is lavish. The way the economy there operates is nebulous, but according to at least one Reddit thread , it might not even have poverty. Is Thor richer than T'Challa? It depends on who you ask. They are similar in that Thor has access to pretty much any resource he wants from Asgard, from minerals to fossil fuels, but unlike T'Challa in Wakanda, he can also tap the eight other realms for salable goods.

That said, Thor himself isn't totally clear on how money works, as evidenced by this promotional video where he tries to pay rent to his roommate Daryl with a pumpkin, a couple of goblets and a handful Asgardian coins.

When Daryl complains that he can't exchange the coins for real money, Thor retorts that "on Asgard, these coins are worth a gazillion human dollars. Forbes once said Stark Industries, "the largest tech conglomerate on Earth," was the 16th biggest fictional company ever. It fell just behind [Willy] Wonka Industries.

No matter what the actual figure is, it's clear Stark doesn't shy away from splurging. Those are some flashy finances. The value of his suit s is unclear, but it's likely in the billions because of its armored torso, durability, flight capabilities and machine guns, which is why he's toward the top of this list. Steve Rogers figured out a brilliant way to save money on rent, groceries and bills: He got frozen for almost seven decades.

His time on ice also helped him earn a small fortune because he was never discharged from the Army. The Army then actually commented on the figure, telling Business Insider that a mistake in that Redditor's math meant Rogers may have actually been entitled to a little more.

Surely that's enough to buy him a place in Brooklyn. Peter Quill is basically a professional scoundrel. It's hard to say what his net worth is, but we know that there's a 40,unit bounty on his head in Guardians of the Galaxy — a sum Rocket tells Groot that will make them "rich. But man, he still loves that Walkman. But after being in a car accident that wrecked his hands, Strange went nearly bankrupt trying to fix them. His pal Christine Palmer says as much in the Doctor Strange film, explaining , "Stephen, you always spent money as fast as you can make it, but now you're spending money you don't even have.

Archer Clint Barton was an agent for the law enforcement agency S. If we assume S. If we liken the organization to the FBI, his paycheck might be lower, though Quartz pointed out that many agents earn extra money for overtime and location. He also has investments in real estate. In the movies, we see Barton's safehouse.

Natasha Romanoff, a former Russian spy, also worked for S. Not the alien one. Den of Geek wrote that in the comic books, Danvers had stints as a spy, a freelance writer and a TV consultant, among other odd jobs. A true master of the side hustle. The current Peter Parker is a high school student, as we see in Spider-Man: Homecoming , so his net worth is probably nearly nonexistent.

But traditionally, Parker works as a photographer for The Daily Bugle newspaper. Scott Lang once stole millions from VistaCorp , but these days he isn't pulling in the big bucks like his co-Avengers. Part of Ant-Man 's plot revolves around Lang's difficulty in finding a job due to his criminal record.

Lang later got fired from the ice cream shop and resorted to theft to scrounge up money for child support, so it's safe to say he places toward the bottom of this list rather than the top. Comic book fan site Newsarama once wrote a tongue-in-cheek piece proclaiming him the poorest comic book character.

Is The Hulk Basically Broke? A graduate of the University of Florida, Julia has four years of experience in personal finance journalism and specializes in covering money trends. Published: Apr 25, 10 min read. Avengers: Endgame.


How rich is thor -

  Oct 05,  · Where Thor in the form of Donald Blake (Essentially Thors human body) has to get across the world quickly, he doesn't have any normal money. So he just pays with a big . Thor is a marvel superhero who is apart of The Avengers. He is friends with Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, Thomas, and Percy. Thor is a man with blonde hair with blonde beard. . Oct 10,  · From acting roles, brand endorsements, and intelligent investments, Hemsworth has garnered a brilliant $ million fortune. His famous roles in Marvel Universe and Men In .    


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